
Android Graphics 1

1 C/S aspect of Android Graphics

Android Graphics use a C/S structure.
Client part: for every activity in App, it is a client of android graphics. First time it need to do graphics operation, it will request android graph to allocate memory for it.
Server part: the main module in Server side is SurfaceFlinger, it will invoke gralloc module to allocate memory for framebuffer or app surface.

Shared part: The shared part mainly include two objects. Surface refer to graphics memory shared by Client part and Server part, SharedClient represent the synchronization mechanism between Client and Server part.

EGL/OPEGLES is the base for android graphics.

In Client part, App can determine whether use software (CPU) or hardware (GPU) to render app UI. If software render, skia libraries will be used, otherwise hwui libraries will be used instead.

Android provide a egl/opengl wrapper, any egl/opengl invocation will be dispatched in this wrapper to software egl/opengl or hardware egl/opengl according system configuration.

2 invoke sequence aspect of Android Graphics

Normal App and Java 3D Game App will invoke framework layer for various graphics operation. for normal app, all graphics operation is done by Skia libraries, for Java 3D app, all graphics operation will be done by opengl es libraries.
native 3D app will directly invoke opengle libraries through JNI or NDK.

3 android load opengl libraries

when android egl wrapper init, it will access confutation file “/system/lib/egl/egl.cfg” Every line in this file represent a kind of egl/opengles impl if, no this file, the system will use default android software egl/opengl impl.

the format of this file is

DISPLAY_ID: default 0,
IMPL_TYPE: 0 means software impl
IMPL_TAG:the impl name, use this tag to load the correct library of this impl

for example
0 0 android
0 1 mali

4 Synchronization between Client and Server

The main data structure used in synchronization between Client and Server is SharedBufferStack, this structure is allocated in share memory(ashmem_create_region), can access in both Client and Server.

More description for DequeueCondition and RetireUpdate

DequeueCondition, RetireUpdate and other Condition and Update object is defined in frameworks\base\libs\surfaceflinger_client\SharedBufferStack.cpp

in DequeueCondition, it will check SharedBufferStack.available, when it is not larger than 0, the following logic will wait at a condition(SharedClient.cv)

In RetireUpdate,it will release the frontbuffer of the surface and increase SharedBufferStack.available, and then notify a condition(SharedClient.cv)

Here exists a important object-SharedClient.
Its definition as the following, and it has some tips for it

1) SharedClient is created share share memory(ashmem), This make sure SharedClient can be used across the processes.

2) The lock and cv member of SharedClient is mutex and condition, and at the same time they can also be accessed across the processes( through pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED); and pthread_condattr_setpshared(&attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);)

3) For every Client, it will share a entry in surfaces member of SharedClient object, Client and server will use the content in this entry to make use synchronization of back and front buffer for Surface.

